Seperis (seperis) wrote,

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finally saw captain america 2: the winter solider

Very shallow barely spoiler under the cut:

Bucky with his emoliner and flowing hair and sliding on the ground using his metal arm to slow himself down and his memory-angst--I didn't realize they allowed porn in movie theatres. [personal profile] lillian13 and I were almost alone in the theatre, which is awesome, because holy shit was that good for me.

...I said shallow, right? Thanks.

I want all the Buckys. All of them.

Steve walking around in a tank top is a crime, a wonderful crime, and his punishment should be to do nothing else, ever.

Nick Fury was, as usual, so badass he made an arm in a sling look like a badass fashion statement, Natasha is my favorite character ever--I mean this, I ripped Iron Man II specifically to easily rewatch the entire hall scene over and over and over--and now I want a vid with nothing but her leaving a trail of bodies and being ungodly hot doing it--and OMG SAM AND HIS WINGS. It should have been ridic, and it was--right up until he was using it, then wingfic suddenly makes sense.

...I didn't see that coming, no. Good God, Sam, do the flying thing more. That's seriously hot.

Shallow. Thank you and goodnight.

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