Seperis (seperis) wrote,

  • Mood:

a bunch of things

Work internet is acting up again on random sites. I am not amused. But!

Mississippi rejects personhood amendment which, I am saying, when Right to Life and Catholic groups call it extreme, you are probably being goddamn terrifying in your restrictions, and the Ohio limited collective bargaining law has been overturned. So overall, it's a pretty good day.

Six days until the release of Kindle Fire, one week until those with one day shipping from Amazon have it in their hot little hands, one week one day for two day shipping (Yes, I am keeping track). Happy.

Question for British and/or American folks who have ever ordered from Harrods:

In Order Details under status, does GoodsIssue mean they have sent the goods (ie, bears) or something else? I am assuming this is not something I can track online.

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Tags: christmas, crosspost, kindle

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