This is proof the stock market is stupid and insane and makes no sense. I am okay with this.
I did not realize this weekend was the release of the iPad. That kind of makes it even more awesome, in a way.
I am like, pleased that those that bought theirs are loving it? But a.) hard drive size b.) no flash c.) no keyboard d.) no multitasking? I start getting freaked out imagining not being able to surf and chat with background music while I write. People do that?
P.S. It is not that I hate Apple or anything. I have an ipod! I gave it to my mom, true, when my Android phone showed itself copasetic with easy music listening, but I do have iTunes. I am saying, if I can't disassemble something myself into its component parts, upgrade it, reinstall and reconfigure it, and reassemble at home, I cannot deal with it. One third of my personal fun is centered on a rainy day, my screwdriver set, and a sense of wild curiosity.
And yes, I can break down my Android phone. It's not easy, but I can do it, and I liked it.
Is this where I say my name is Seperis and I'm a PC user? I'm also a future tester for subdermal internet access, so I can surf the internet with my mind. Why this has not happened yet I do not know.
ETA: Okay, level with me. I get the entire ~futureistic~ thing of the onscreen keyboard, but is anyone but me just not feeling it for like, normal use? Well, normal-me use, which is a lot. Just. WTF? Future, stop fucking with my keyboard.
ETA 2 Gemini, the Android tablet - to say I am lusting after this is an understatement.
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Ctrl → Alt →
← Ctrl ← Alt
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