Seperis (seperis) wrote,

it only looks like obsession

Protip to Self: Obsessively clicking Fanlore: Recent Changes does not, in fact, speed up people adding more pages. You are just crazy.

*clicks refresh*

*clicks again*
Tags: project: fanlore

  • this week of all weeks

    When I posted on January 9th, and said I was stressed and had updates, I--never got back to that. So her we go. Back in December, a few things…

  • escapade - not writing panel

    My con report just isn't happening as one big thing so instead there will be minireports as I get time and attention span to devote. However, I…

  • update: rabbit hay

    So far, the testing of the wheat, oat, and barley hay is going very well; the rabbits weren't enthused at first, but are getting into it now. That…

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  • this week of all weeks

    When I posted on January 9th, and said I was stressed and had updates, I--never got back to that. So her we go. Back in December, a few things…

  • escapade - not writing panel

    My con report just isn't happening as one big thing so instead there will be minireports as I get time and attention span to devote. However, I…

  • update: rabbit hay

    So far, the testing of the wheat, oat, and barley hay is going very well; the rabbits weren't enthused at first, but are getting into it now. That…