Your missions, should you choose to accept it, is to pick another author's story and write a DVD commentary on it. Cutting and pasting the rules, since really, why reinvent the wheel?
The rules are slightly different from the normal DVD commentary. This is a commentary on another author's work.
The Rules
1.) Any fandom and any pairing or lack of pairing thereof is welcome.
2.) One DVD commentary per story per year--if you know what story you want to comment on, post with title and author. A dozen commentaries on The Greatest Fic Ever is nice, but let's go for variety and breadth.
3.) You must have author permission. I want this as fun, not as trauma. You can call a story first if you're worried about getting it before someone else does, but permission is a must for the challenge.
4.) Deadline for submissions is 10/1/2008, 11:59 PM CST. There is no deadline for sign-up.
5.) The minimum is one commentary. I mean, if you're taking on the five hundred thousand word epic of wonder in your commentary, I'm not asking more than that. No upper limit, however. Do as many as you like, in as many fandoms as you like.
6.) All commentaries are hosted (or at least linked to),dvd_commentary. I'd prefer posting directly to the community. If you want to post it to your lj as well, I only ask you wait until 10/7/2008 to give it a minimum of a week up at the comm.
7.) You can post your commentaries as soon as you wish.
The Community
dvd_commentary is where the magic is posted.
Sign Up
Story Sign-Ups - this is for commentators who wish to claim a story. Please leave your name, the title, author, and fandom of the story, and a link to the story.
Author Permission Sign-Ups - this is for authors who wish to give sweeping permission for commentary on their stories. Please leave your name and a link to your webpage/story archive.
All commentaries, or links to commentaries, should be posted todvd_commentary. Please use the standard header in the body:
For the subject line of the post:
Title by author, commentary by {your name here}.
Ratings, warnings, and summaries are optional. If the commentary is taking more than one entry, remember to link them. Have fun. And trust me, these are serious fun. For examples of different styles of DVD commentaries, check out the community and browse to your heart's content.
A complete list of commentaries can be found here, organized and maintained by
Any questions? Ask away either here or in

Have a great time!