Seperis (seperis) wrote,

  • Mood:

quick double rec

...because. LJ keeps not working and now it's working and dammit, I'm using that.

slodwick made a gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeouscover for Intent. For my story! *ecstatic* And God, it's hot, and yes, it's...*drools*. My God, yes. Love her. Love. Her. *pokes* Give her love and more love. And then even more.


I called a moritorium on WiPs. They stress me! I said. They frustrate me! I said. I want insta!gratification! I said.

Okay, well, you know, intentions, hell, pot, kettle, goose, gander, whatever.

Altville by liviapenn. Save and read. Do it now. And then read more at box_of_serial and just be happy.

It feels like first season SV. You know, remember? When we were all drooling over how COOL and DIFFERENT this was and staring at Lex with possessive eyes and--it FEELS like that. Livia's done an amazing job so far in capturing both the atmosphere and the wonder, and wow. I got so nostalgic I started re-reading first season fic. Must be read. Now. And follow along. Because it is that damned good. Even better than good. Like, fabulous.

So. There we go. All is happiness and right in jennworld. Or as close to it as I can get.

*hugs everyone and bounces off*
Tags: covers, recs: smallville

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