It's fascinating and interestingly informative. And I'll be honest--it answers questions I never thought to ask, mostly due to the fact I never knew they existed. I read each one in a kind of curiosity, wondering what the answer will be this time. (And weirdly, I rarely disagree with him flat out.)
However, there is always a waterloo.
When we don't respond to a question, the reader who sent it thinks, "He/she doesn't care," or "He/she is too busy," or "He/she thought my question wasn't interesting." When the reality may be that he/she has no fucking clue.
I almost think it's someone's duty out there to answer this one:
What would we use to cool the burn should the application of Tabasco sauce to her anus or clit prove to be too much for her to endure?
...yeah. I was--God help me--thinking that milk might do it? I know bread does it for jalapenos, but I just can't see asking your lover to stay still while you run for the Rainbow bread, you know? Tabasco is technically an acid (yes?) so a heavy base might do it? Maybe a good idea is to get the test tubes out and start testing for neutralizing agents?
This concludes Jenn Needs to Get Out More, because I had no idea that tabasco sauce was the new hot thing. Nor, really, did I want to.
ETA: And the suggestions are in!
In order of posting, sort of:
1.) milk - (4) seperis
2.) cream - (1) sociofemme
3.) dairy (general) - (3) carloton97, niqaeli
4.) yoghurt - (7) lehanra, niqaeli
5.) sour cream - (2) mamadeb
6.) milk of magnesia - (1) mireille719
7.) alcohol - (2) rishabree, deadlychameleon
8.) toothpaste - (1) toft_froggy
9.) aloe - (1) rogue_planet
10.) menthol - (1) rogue_planet
11.) butter** - (2) adannu, seperis
12.) baby oil (1) - sapote3
*also, an icepack. I'd agree and add vicodin
**Butter shouldn´t be used when it comes to the anus. If it goes into the intestinal track you will get diarrhea which is also the reason why it shouldn´t be used as lube in anal play. -- unrund
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