Seperis (seperis) wrote,

  • Mood:

*sighs* yeah. who didn't see this coming

So maybe I happened to be stumbling through Barnes and Noble's DVD section for no particular reason and, dazed and confused, walked out with the first two seasons of BSG and season three Buffy (which means I am one season short of a full collection; for some reason, thsi makes me unreasonably happy when I put them on the shelf together. It's got to be some kind of bizarre collection instinct).

In my defense, I got season one because Ir ealized my mother hadn't seen it and that is why I needed it now now now.


Every time. VVC does this to me every time. I guess it's good luck I already have all the Harry Potter movies or this could end in disaster.

*eyes DVDs* They're just so *pretty*. I am wondering how much this is going to traumatize me.
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