I just--I want to know. Look at these two sentences.
A. He shoved his turgid erection into his waiting depths.
B. Look at that turgid mushroom!
Doesn't it just--make more sense related to mushroom? Turgid. Turrgggiiiiddd. It just does not scream sexy to me. It screams fungus found at random outside on a wet day.
You know, I've been thinking I want to look this up on dictionary.com. Here is what I found.
1. Excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquent: turgid prose.
2. Swollen or distended, as from a fluid; bloated: a turgid bladder; turgid veins.
Or turgid mushrooms! Or ornate mushrooms. Not ornate penises. Wow, that just went to an obscure body jewelry place there. I mean, sure, strictly speaking, it could work, but really, does any penis want to be compared to a bladder?
...I did warn people with the bit about being unmotivated, right? Yeah. It's totally going to be this kind of a day. *head on desk*
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