Seperis (seperis) wrote,

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thinking of things

There is much righteous indignation on behalf of Michael Rosenbaum across the net, but it looks as if WB does, in fact, have a working brain cell somewhere in the depths of its PR department.

To check out the action, I'm going to make it easy--my friends list and start around late last night. The wonderous latxcvi and rosenho and hackthis all maketh much noise. Also, Wendi, and go Hope's Poster for Michael.

That took me a LONG time to write and code, btw. What scares me a little is that I did all the addresses from memory. I forget a lot of things--where my keys are, when to take my allergy meds, dental appointments (with reason!), washing dishes, waking up, breathing--but strangely, I have memorized the LJ/blogs of everyone who is listed to the right over there, plus about fifteen others, as well as their webpages, most of their stories, and with those who have told me, their favorite color, former fandoms, and other utterly useless information.

This might worry me. It doesn't, but it might.

Anyway, LaT adds to the netiquette discussion and makes me nod along. She and Vic are very thorough. Must remember that for future ref.

I've been going through my X-Men WIP folder....

I'm telling myself this is NOT my Last Step Before Walking Away from the Fandom, because it's NOT, but my MO from Voyager was, in fact, to go through and start posting anything that I figured was done but I'd put off for various reasons. One femslash, one gen, come to think. Yet here I am, calmly posting snippets and ficlets--there are about, oh, thirty million more, or so my folder tells me, not including those jewels of WiPs, Illusions, An Unusual Situation, and Jus Ad Bellum, or the-so-close-to-finished-it-hurts cowrite with Andariel, or my other finished cowrite with Andariel, Succubus. Or, my Logan/Ororo, my Logan/Jeans, or--well, okay, it's ALOT, and it almost hurts to look at them. Some I could finish, some I don't want to finish, some I hate the sight of, and some make me highly, highly nostalgic. Some are contextual to the time they were written, some are strange pieces of scenes that came out of nowhere, and some are--really damn weird even in the L/R fandom.

Some I like and some I wonder what I was on when writing, and some hurt to look at because they remind me of the chats and the people I wrote them for, and some just--urg. I didn't have this problem in Voyager--comparatively speaking, it was easy to dismiss everything from there, but all my first strong fandom ties and friendships came out of W/R. I found the story I wrote for Diebin, God, back last March, and I found another one that I wrote to amuse Beth one night and one that Andy threw a line out at me and it's weird. Very, very weird. Lots of Sare Liz influence--LOTS OF SARE LIZ everywhere, and I suppose it's something like saying okay, I'm done if I start getting rid of all this. Because I tell myself I'm not, but I'm wondering, once I'm done with Jus Ad Bellum, if that's going to be true still. There's this weird chance that the second the epilogue is posted, I won't feel for the fandom anymore and I'm not at all sure I'm ready for that.

Hmm. Yet another reason why even though Interlude 5 is just sitting there in my folder, I can't bring myself to post it.

I suppose everyone remembers some fandom with nostalgia, though my nostalgia is probably less rosy than most. After all, five months into it we had already split the list in half and were in the middle of building a new list and I was writing the first thirty pages of Jus Ad Bellum this time last year and showing Beth and Ann what I was thinking about.


And it's not like Smallville doesn't fulfill my social thing admirably--Beth, Andy, Hope, Wendi, Victoria, Pricklyelf, Te, anyone else who is interested in chatting, they're online, but back in W/R it was--different. First times and all.

And the worry that Real Soon Now, if fandom stats are anything to go by, there will be a fandom war of some kind in some part of Smallville, so I'm gritting my teeth in preparation. And looking at Seventy-Two Hours again to decide whether to post the beta'ed first part or not. I'm trying to keep away from posting anything WiP in Smallville to save myself stress.

Okay, back to mulling things.
Tags: meta: fandom

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