I have this entire folder of SV vids--every time one was recced on my friendslist over the last year, I downloaded, thinking, you know, when I feel like watching the episodes again and the really unhealthy fascination with Red!Clark faded, I'll see what's up there.
And then I put it off all summer, thinking, you know, I shall wait so I don't get *spoiled*, which, laugh if you will, *you* try prying information out of
But. I'm slowly and thoroughly losing my mind trying to download Luminosity's two vids, because my internet connection hates me more than I hate it and dial-up is evil. And

Well. Oh dear God, those are *good*.
Here are things I didn't know.
I lost my nerve watching the *spoilers* for Lex's little trip to Belle Reve. I had someone *narrate* the episode to me online, because there are a few basic things I can deal with. I can maim Lex myself, and I can drive him crazy, and trust me, I enjoy it heartily, but I cannot *cannot* watch it happen on my television in front of me.
There is a difference between textual narration and watching Lex electrocuted from several angles set to Placebo, 'kay? Who knew? *sighs*
So. Those two eps scare me. Or is it three? Please don't tell me it's three.
I've heard Lana dies several times, though. That sounds promising. I mean, she's still *alive* and all, but still.
*sighs* I'm going go rework my nerve. If I can watch Lex be shot, I can watch him being drugged into insanity. I *can*.
Anyway, just from sheer curiosity, anyone have vid recs?
*edited to correct lj name and to add: Lex with a gun? Still #1 Kink of all time. I'm so glad the show indulges this.