Seperis (seperis) wrote,

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rec request: temeraire


I am in a re-reading place.

About once every year or two years, there are certain books/series/authors I have to re-read. I tend to enjoy most books that have a lot to work with and even better, ones that stand up to multiple readings. Even more importantly--and therefore rarer--ones that benefit from re-reading; things in early books seen again come together in new ways, and I like to see all the pieces that I didn't realize were important come together and how they started or bits I missed earlier

The length of time between really depends on the combination of mood + length; Goblin Emperor, for example, is a fast read, so every nine months roughly; Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCullough is every eighteen months to two years; Temeraire series by Naomi Novak is nine months to eighteen months in general. Which is where I am now, somewhat ahead of schedule, but in my defense, it was just kind of there on my kindle and I always get like this when recently exposed to Regency Romance.

Currently just got through the first three again and anticipating my next favorite, the Tswana. Having said that....


Ooh, this is exciting; I can ask for recs again!

Anyone have recs for Temeraire fic? I read some of it years ago when I first finished the series but Temeraire benefits hugely from re-reading for missed detail and connections and I am so in the mood.

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