Seperis (seperis) wrote,

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help working on my DW theme please?

Okay, this is a request for someone who knows DW's system and CSS; I am trying to update my layers and oh God it's a work in progress and i cannot find out how I moved my top links to the right.

This is, I admit, my own fault.

When I first got my DW, I went crazy with creating my own base layer for all pages, but that was when I was still doing CSS regularly. I am so rusty. I used the new core to create a new base with the same elements, but my own code is kind of screwing me because creating functions is fun for me. Even though I think some aren't needed anymore, I literally went through and customized each page and this is like coding hell.

If anyone wants to look at it and help, I'd appreciate it so much. It's what I put up now, because nothing will inspire me to actually work on it as being annoyed every time I look at my DW and see something wrong.

Also! If anyone sees problems when reading/commenting, tell me!

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