I think that makes me a god. Like, a really discount one, but you take what you can get.
So, two weeks with new mattress, review for first few nights here.
Link to mattress: Zinus Memory Foam Green Tea Mattress, 12-Inch, Queen
Note: In the interests of full disclosure, the following for context:
1.) I am five ten with a large frame and weigh roughly 200 to 210 lbs.
2.) My mattress is now on the floor right now, but considering it's supposed to be on a box spring or platform, I'm not thinking there's much of a diff.
So, report:
1.) Still no improvement or disimprovement falling asleep, which is no different from life Before Mattress, since unless I'm exhausted, it's difficult for me. My insomnia is very brain-based; if I'm paying attention and make an effort, I can take half a ritalin and use the window when it kicks in to shut down my brain enough to sleep, but that's a crapshoot. If anything distracts me, then nothing. However, now I'm comfortable while I stay awake, so there's that.
2.) I had my first stress waking multiple times.
I was waiting for the washer and dryer delivery and my apartment doesn't have a door bell and I feared I wouldn't hear my phone; yes, the delivery wasn't until two but whatever, still freaked out. It's been a long week.
I fell back asleep faster than usual each time (every time, even), which really really surprised me. Usually, I have problems getting back to sleep if woken up (that's why using Alexa as an alarm is terrifyingly good; it is almost impossible for her to hear you tell her to stop that shit over the sound of the alarm).
3a.) Sleep - definitely getting better sleep while I'm sleeping.
3b.) More importantly, good sleep during and after a four day intensive period of moving into an apartment where the front door is down two flights of stairs (outside stairs, but still, for I am on a hill or landfill, rather). I was stiff (again, four fucking days of carrying things down two flights of stairs including all the furniture and rugs) but nothing like I should have been, and not actively sore except my calves (did I mention the stairs? Lots of fucking stairs) and my back because I actually was stupid with boxes.
Me and my body are often at war when I engage in tasks it doesn't like (ie: movement); this I noticed, and also noticed I was very comfortable on my mattress lying down and didn't notice I was stiff at all until I got up. For reasons, I spent a lot of free time on my mattress for a couple of days. I didn't really have to fight for a comfortable position; the mattress did all the work.
I was told--and read--that there's an adjustment period for foam mattresses, so at the month mark, I can tell you more. But seriously, I cannot describe how nice it was to wake up without new and weird sore places (all of mine I could trace back to stairs and boxes).
1.) Child collapsed on the other side of the mattress in exhaustion; I didn't know until I woke up the next morning. This has happened twice because my mattress is more awesome than his (his words).
2.) I put a legged tray on the bed with food and tea on it--ALL FOR YOU, FLIST AND CIRCLE, SO I COULD TELL YOU ABOUT IT--braced myself, checked to make sure my good sheets weren't on it and the pad was waterproof, then sat down about six inches away. Didn't even shift.
This mattress was made for reading in bed, no lie. PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE THIS A COUCH.
I cannot overstate this; this is a firm mattress. Not medium firm: FIRM. It's not hard, however, as I stated before. There's give, it's ridic comfortable--I'm not joking about how this would be the perfect couch--but it's not soft and mushy; if you want that, add a topper. Me and Child on it together--and Child is six feet and over 225--could not make sinkage.
That said, it does conform to you but not with a sinkhole. If you have mobility concerns about getting in or out, I can say that probably isn't going to be an issue with this level of firmness.
Will check in at the one month mark, at which time I hope to actually have my bed reassembled. It's a dream, really. Feel free to ask me any questions on anything I might have missed; if I don't know, I will happily run some tests.
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